So I turned 25 on the 1st June. Traditionally, I've always kept a diary, and on my birthday each year, I would review the past year,look at where I'd gone wrong and what I'd managed to achieve and make some plans for the coming year.
I haven't handwritten a diary for a very long time, and I'm perhaps not quite so introspective as when I was a teenager, so I'm not going to write a long entry full of self-analysis - suffice to say, I think 25 has been a decent year. I'm in a good place, which takes the sting out of getting older and the years creeping up before I'm ready. Great relationship, steady job, nice house, good friends. And I'm more settled than I ever thought would be possible for me, the typical restless spirit.
So, what's in store for my 25th year? Well, my goals are roughly the same as I wrote in a previous entry:
- Lose half a stone - get down to a proper size 8 rather than hovering between sizes, just so I can know I did it, and what it felt like...
- Write my novel- now my laptop's finally sorted, I'll stick to scheduling time in to do some writing
- Look after my skin - I'm already fairly good at this but I want to get really strict with myself now. I plan to start using anti-aging products, to always take my make-up off at night, to drink more water, to treat myself to a proper facial every so often and to do my own mask and exfoliation once a week.
- Have a good time - accept all the invitations going and really make an effort to keep connecting with people and experiencing things in good company
- Push up the career ladder - I enjoy my job, but I can't help thinking I've gotten a little comfortable and I'm not pushing myself anymore. With the recent change in government making a veiled threat to my job anyway, now would seem to be a good time to push onwards and upwards.
This week I've been on holiday from work, and its been a really nice week. On Sunday, we had a barbecue, and friends and family came round. 1st June was my actual birthday (same as Marilyn Monroe, my idol!) and I went into town shopping with my boyfriend. Unfortunately, it was a bit of a wash-out, both because it rained solidly, and because we both felt quite under the weather.
it was one of those rare days where I couldn't see anything much I liked in the shops as well, although he did treat me to a gorgeous butterfly print clutch bag from Ted Baker I fell a bit in love with. We also went for lunch at The Walk, my favourite cafe, all mismatched china and white-aproned waitresses, a bit like the Mad Hatters Tea Party, which I loved!
On Tuesday, I had a day at Champney's spa in Ashby-De-La-Zouch, which was total heaven. I had thalassotherapy and the best, most relaxing facial, plus I did gym, swim, jacuzzi, sauna and steam which was heaven. It was such a good day I've resolved to try and do it once a year. I was so relaxed driving home, I felt like I was floating on a cloud of bliss. I've never been to a health spa before and it was so much better than I thought it would be.
Tonight, I'm having all my girls round for some bubbly and cupcakes and a few films. But my actual party is on the 26th. It's a joint one with my girlfriend, with an 80's theme...more on that later. I don't normally do anything much on my birthday, so this one has been pretty extraordinary. Perhaps 25 isn't so bad after all!
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