Lately, the style of Zooey Deschanel has been catching my eye a lot, and I'm beginning to really like it. In fact, I think she might even be slowly becoming one of my style icons.
Blame it on a longing for spring. Her style is a little louder than my usual cup of tea, a little more quirky and jokey, whereas I prefer classic and well tailored, a little bit beatnik, a little bit rock (see icons below). Perhaps it's a longer for lighter times, but her brand of tongue in cheek, almost twee, cutesy innocence is really appealing to me at the moment. So, what am I especially loving about her?
1) Bows - Zooey has a lot of outfits with a bow around the waist, bow details on her shoes and bags, or even in her hair - it's a really sweet, girly look. I have a big thing for bows as well!
2) Ruffles - Normally, I prefer fitted styles, but there is an inner 8 year old in me that loves ruffles and poofs of fabric...and Zooey does this really well.
3) Bright colour palette - no-one could accuse Zooey of being shy of colour, she regularly wears bright yellows, reds and aquas, and she really pulls it off with her lovely peaches and cream skin. She's bold and eyecatching, but seems to have mastered the trick of not going too over the top, and using one or two bold pieces to lift her whole look.
4) The Fringe. Okay, I have fringe envy. I absolutely love a full fringe like Zooey sports, I think it looks really chic and young-spirited at the same time. I have attempted- and failed- many times to have a fringe like this, but I have a really short forehead and it just looks weird on me. Still, I am in serious envy of Zooey's pretty dark chocolate tresses.
5) Her makeup - Yep, I'm all about the cat eyes, and Zooey's pretty eyes lend themselves so well to a flick of 60's style eyeliner. I also love her bright lips - she wears a really pretty shade of pink in 'New Girl' that is so divine, and she often wears colours that really pop with her skin tone.
6) Peter pan collars and little shorts - it's almost a childish way of dressing, but Zooey makes it look fresh and modern and somehow manages to give it a subversive sex appeal without ever looking like she's trying too hard. Love it!
These are just some of my favourite Zooey outfits:

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