The lovely Karen at My Beautopia, who runs the seriously entertaining #30sbloggers chat alongside her own beauty blog has named me as one of her ‘boutique bloggers’ (LOVE that term and will certainly be stealing it!) along with some other ladies I’ve recently ‘met’ through taking Seriously Shallow social on Twitter.
I’ve been so impressed and overwhelmed by how lovely and inclusive the beauty bloggers on Twitter have been. Not to be too gushing (oh…go on then…) but it’s been a revelation. I’ve written this blog, on and off, for a couple of years but I was scared and embarrassed to make it public. I worried about it not being up to scratch and all sorts of things just a few weeks ago, that seem silly now thanks to the all-round, general loveliness off the bloggers I’ve met since going social. I wholeheartedly agree with My Beautopia when she wrote: “it is supposed to be fun. Don't try to be anything - create the blog you want and let those that like it find it.”
It’s opened up new horizons for me: I’ve found lots of lovely new reads and recommended products, gained followers, signed up for my first blogger meet-up and an international beauty swap and my Sunday nights have gotten a lot more entertaining!
So, the deal is that I answer the questions below and share the love by nominating my own favourite smaller bloggers.
>> Why do you blog?
Quite simply, I just love writing. It’s the thing that I couldn’t live without! I’ve always written in some form, from silly little stories when I was a child (one primary school teacher said on my report that I would ‘win the Booker Prize one day’ - Sorry Mrs Price, I know you’re still waiting!) to my novel writing attempts at university. Blogging gives me a quick release on the writing front! I also really, really love make-up- if you couldn’t tell! I’m never happier than when discovering new products. None of my friends are QUITE as obsessed as me, so blogging gives me a way to meet other people who are also really into stuff like that, which is marvellous.
>> Name one make up product you couldn't live without?
Vaseline Rosy Lips. I’m a bit too keen on it! I love things that multi-task so if I could only have one product, I’d choose this and use it to : moisturise my cuticles, condition and grow my lashes, remove stubborn eye makeup, keep my lips soft and glossy and highlight my cheekbones. It’s a winner!>>Which type of blog posts do you always read?
I really love Outfit of the Day/Night posts. I’m not very creative when it comes to style, so I love getting inspiration for outfits from those posts. I find ‘real girl’ styling much more inspirational than the glossy fashion shoots in magazines. I also love anything about skincare!>> I am happiest when...?
Reading/writing/chatting about make-up, beauty and all things shiny and pretty. It’s like therapy!>> My biggest fashion/beauty faux pas was...?
Oh my god. I have far too many. I was an ‘alternative’ teenager and I used to wear things like fishnets with holes ripped in them, legwarmers, battered up Dunlop Green Flash trainers with a mini kilt and a blazer, raccoon eye-makeup and as many assorted metal spiked bracelets and belts as I could get my hands on. I also used to like wearing little nighties with kneesocks and trainers or over baggy, ripped skater jeans. I would cut up my t-shirts and scrawl angst-laden song lyrics on them with fabric paint. Usually I was carrying a clear plastic or a Cookie Monster rucksack. Yikes! Also, I’m old enough to have worn a shellsuit as a kid in a non ironic way!>> What is your guilty pleasure?
Made in Chelsea. I know its not good for me, I know it possibly kills off brain cells while I’m watching, but I can’t seem to stop.>> The blogger made me buy...?
Bloggers have made me buy so much stuff over the years, it’s hard to count. I generally don’t buy anything without looking for blog reviews first! Most recently, I blame Gemma at Makeup Magpie for making me rush out to the Urban Decay counter at lunch hunting for eyeliner pencils!>> What are you most proud of?
I’m not sure. I haven’t done an awful lot of amazing stuff in my life. I suppose I’m most proud that I owned my own home at 23 in a really nice area through a lot of hard work. I’m also proud of my CIM qualification (Chartered Institute of Marketing) because I put in a lot of hours studying for it while also working full time, and it was not easy!>> Do you wear make up every day - if so what?
Absolutely. The only time I don’t wear makeup is if I’m getting up and going straight to the gym (and even then I put on BB cream!). I have a normal make-up look that is usually my go-to most days. It’s primer, BB cream mixed with a shot of highlighter, undereye concealer, mineral powder, two shades of eyeshadow, liquid eyeliner, mascara, brow mascara and shadow, bronzer and tinted lipbalm. That seems like a lot! I will be doing a ‘daily face’ post shortly…>> Where is your favourite place on the planet?
Paris. I would definitely live there if I could afford it (and my French was better). I love the history, the culture, the food, the architecture, the shopping, the parks….even love the Metro. Every time I visit, I love it. In the UK, I also love Cornwall. It’s just breathtaking. My mum and her family live down there, and although I don’t get to see them as much as I’d like, because its so far away, every time I visit I just feel an enormous sense of calm and wellbeing.>> What are your hopes for your blog?
They’re quite small. I’d just like to meet a few like-minded souls, discover lots of new products and just keep enjoying writing. I wouldn’t want it to become a job (I like my real job just fine). Taking this blog social has already completely changed it though. I can’t believe I was writing in isolation for so long!‘Boutique bloggers’ I nominate:
I couldn’t find many with under 200 followers! So here are the ladies I pick:Nicola at nicolabishopx.blogspot.co.uk
Donna at relaxedchic.blogspot.co.uk
Emma at emma-something.blogspot.com
My questions for you are:
What is your first make-up memory?
What makes you follow a blog?
What is the one blogging trick you’ve learnt since starting?
How did you choose your blog name and what does it mean?
Your desert island beauty item is…
If money was no object, what beauty products would you buy?
If you could change one thing about your life, what would it be and why?
When do you feel prettiest?
What makes your heart jump for joy?
What do you do for your ‘day job’?
What post are you most proud of on your blog?
So over to you - write a post answering these questions, link back to me & let me know when you've done it so I can come and read your answers Then choose your own 'boutique bloggers' (with less than 200 followers) to nominate and invent your 11 questions!
I look forward to reading your answers...
Great post & good answers. I'm totally with you about Made in Chelsea by the way!!
ReplyDeleteThank you so much for including me! I had fun doing it. Looking forward to the others as well. And yeah, my husband banned me from watching MIC so I have to wait until he's out of the house ;)