Hi Dolls!
Just a quick note....I feel like I haven't posted or been around on the blogging 'scene' for ages, so I thought I would do just a quick update on life in general and tell you about a couple of great posts coming up!
Life has just taken over for the past couple of weeks. First of all, after over a year of trying to move house, it looks like it might finally be happening (cue excited squeals!). Last time I posted an update, we'd pretty much given up hope and starting looking into extending our current house instead, but it turned out to be too expensive for us to do.
But just when we were despairing....a breatkthrough!
We finally had an offer accepted on a house, but I've been so tied up with sorting out the new mortage, survey, solicitors...you name it, that blogging has had to take a reluctant backseat.
We've had so much bad luck with all things house-related, I'm still not entirely convinced things are going to go right (and probably won't be until I have the key firmly in my clammy little hand!), but things seem to be going in the right direction so far.
Of course, it wasn't drama free - nothing about this move has been! After our offer was accepted, partly on the basis we had already sold our own place, our buyer suddenly pulled out. We went into complete panic mode. I had a few sleepless nights, and lost my appetite for a few days, which has never happened to me before (I'm definitely more of a comfort eater usually).
It was heartbreaking to think we'd finally had some luck, and we might still lose out. We had to put our place back on the market quickly, but it was a very different experience this time. There was lots of interest and lots of offers, and within a week we had an offer on the table that we could accept. It was actually more than the previous selling price we'd got, so if it all goes through it could turn out to have been a blessing in disguise.
We need the extra funds as we've also paid more than we budgeted for our new place. It means that we'll have a few months of being extremely tight financially, but hopefully its a case of short-term pain for long term gain! You might notice a few less big haul posts on the blog though, as I really have to cut back on my spending for a while.
So that's my big news. You may notice a few more house and decorating types of posts, but I don't want to say too much about the new place yet, in case it doesn't work out.
This week, I've also been down in beautiful Cornwall visiting family down there. Its been such a nice trip and I have a couple of posts I hope to finish soon about what I got up to down there, and what I packed!
That's it for now, sorry its been radio silence, normal service will be resumed tomorrow!
Big love
Sarah xxx
I was a nervous wreck from offer until I was sat in my house! I don't envy that feeling. So pleased you've found somewhere.
There's just so much that can go wrong! And our seller is being a pushy nightmare complaining sale is taking too long when we are doing everything as quick as we can! Hopefully it will all come together! XX