Unfortunately, the postie gave this to my neighbour who then went away for a couple of days, so it took me a while to get my hands on it.
By the time I got it, I had already seen what was in the box, so I was really looking forward to ripping it open.
Its been another great month with some gorgeous discoveries, so I was full of anticipation tugging back that silky black ribbon.
It seems hard to believe I’m approaching halfway through the pregnancy already.
Still panicking a little about how much we have to get sorted for the house before the baby arrives, it seems never ending.
There’s so much kit to buy and so much furniture we need. We still need to get major items like a cot, changing table and a pram sorted. I think I’ll feel better when a couple of those are sorted out.
Its still plain sailing so far (touch wood) with my health, nothing unusual to report there.
The tiredness is easing up a little bit now – although it still comes and goes – but still no strange cravings to report I’m afraid, apart from the never ending cherry tomatoes.
My body seems to be taking to this whole pregnancy thing like a duck to water! I’m actually quite enjoying it now that I have a little bump.
It also seems to have given me an ‘off switch’ for my brain.
Hello my lovelies
Another shopaholic month has passed, so I thought I’d do my usual little haul posting about what I’ve been buying.
I absolutely love reading these kinds of posts, so please leave me a link in the comments to any you’ve done recently.
This month, I haven’t bought many clothes - just a couple of loose dresses.
At the moment I still fit most of my regular clothes, so I’m putting off getting any maternity wear until I really have to, but at the same time my shape is changing, so I don’t want to get loads of stuff I won’t be able to wear in a couple of months.
Of course, I’ve also been buying some stuff for the baby, but I won’t put that on here – if you want to see what I got in my first baby haul, pop over here to my pregnancy blog Seriously Mummy.
There's always this awkward part of the year called 'Spring' that isn't warm enough to whack out pretty skirts & dresses but you want to feel a little lighter than the winter months.
As soon as I see the slightest bit of sunshine, I want to wear all white & lots of floaty pieces. Let's face it though, right now I just can't! I also love a good white shirt. You can dress it up, dress it down or leave it somewhere in between so here's a more 'Spring' like OOTD to keep you going until that sun shines bright!
Top - Zara
Trousers - H&M
Shoes - Next
Necklace - H&M

Have you heard about Peter yet?
If you haven’t, you really should, because everyone’s talking.
Dreamy, delicious and amazing are just some of the buzzwords….. But no need to fear for the state of my marriage, because Peter is all about pizza.
In fact, it’s a new eatery in Leicester that provides a very engaging (not to mention yummy) experience to diners in the Midlands.
I was lucky enough to be invited to a event organised by the lovely Annie from Tales of Annie Bean last week, which took place at Peter.
I’m pretty certain I’m being stalked by my cat, or as I sometimes refer to her, my ‘fur baby’ (yes, I am a crazy cat lady at heart).
She’s always been quite affectionate, but lately she’s super-clingy.
I can’t sit down without her being on my lap. I can’t make a cup of tea without her trying to jump up on the counter in front of me. I can’t wake up without her face being three inches from mine. I can’t go to the loo without an escort!
Really can’t believe we’re at Week 15 already…four months in…that’s absolutely crazy.
Pregnancy is now definitely feeling less like an abstract concept and more like a reality. I’ve finally sprouted a proper (smallish) bump, so I feel like its really noticeable.
I caught myself in a sideways view in the bathroom mirror on Sunday night while I was getting into the bath and I was like….”holy crap”. My body really seems to be changing now.
Hi lovelies
I haven’t done a life update post in a while, I’m not sure where the time goes!
Its weird because January and February felt like the longest, coldest months ever and yet I can’t believe we’re already well into March. I’ve had a lot to get my head around lately, but here’s what we’ve been up to…
I haven’t done a life update post in a while, I’m not sure where the time goes!
Its weird because January and February felt like the longest, coldest months ever and yet I can’t believe we’re already well into March. I’ve had a lot to get my head around lately, but here’s what we’ve been up to…
If you can behold this palette without becoming a seething mass of desire, I don’t think we can be friends anymore. Its utter perfection in make-up form.
Until quite recently, I hadn’t owned any NARS at all. That seems unlikely for such a dedicated beauty enthusiast, but its true.
Of course I’d heard all the ravings about its brushes and blushes but I just never had the impulse to get involved.
That all changed when I wandered into Space NK in search of a good nude lipstick and encountered their Satin Lip Crayon in ‘Biscayne Park’.
Not only was it the perfect nude for my skintone, but the winning finish grabbed me straight away. I felt like ‘Where have you been all my life?’.
Since then, I’ve been on a mission to get more NARS products into my life, so when I saw this kit I had to have it.
I had such a delay with my brain catching up with my body and admitting to myself that this was all happening.
But now, with a definite bump beginning to show and the sudden realisation that I only have 5 months to go until I become a parent, I’ve had to get my ass into gear a bit.
We still haven’t bought any of the big stuff yet, but we have now collected a few little items that I thought I’d show.
We won’t know if it’s a boy or a girl until our second scan in another four weeks, so we’ve had to keep everything unisex.
Its actually really hard to do this – there’s not much suitable stuff – so I think there will be a big shopping spree coming after the second scan.
A bit of something different today.
As well as make-up reviews, I want this blog to be more broadly about ideas - so today’s post is a departure. Hopefully you’ll enjoy it, and if not, normal service will be resumed in the next post!
My approach to any problem is to try and find as much information as possible to help me deal with the situation, and I hoped it might be helpful for others if I shared what I’ve found.
Dealing with difficult people is a definite life skill that we are all going to have need of at some point or other.
Lately, I’ve had particular need of this myself.
Are there people in your life you always have to be 'right' about everything?
There is no arguing with their viewpoints.
They firmly believe that their decisions are always right and best. Anything that falls outside of this narrow path is automatically weird or wrong or worth less.
Baby is 3.4 inches and 1.5 ounces – the size of a large lemon.
Sailing through week 14 – its incredible to think how fast this is going, and that I’m into the second trimester already. Where has that time gone?
Still feeling really well with it, no sickness and thankfully the heartburn has not made a reappearance.
I’m not quite as tired as I was – I managed to stay up until 9pm last night, which is a big achievement after several weeks of going to bed at 7.30.
All I’m really suffering are occasional ‘growing pains’ in my tummy and I still need the loo more than usual. I’ve been waking up a fair bit in the night, usually because of this, or waking up super-early in the morning, but I don’t mind that. I’ve been very lucky to be so well this far.
I got a cold at the start of the week and I was horrified that I couldn’t take any Lemsip, which I rely on when I’m not well.
So I’ve been a bit mopey with that but thankfully it had mostly gone away after three days.
This week, I’ve really begun to notice a bump – its definitely a difference from last week. What do you think?
The morning did not start off promisingly.
I was working from home, which should have made life easier. It didn’t.
There were the usual raft of IT problems to contend with and then several ‘urgent’ jobs landed and began kicking off, which meant I was running late.
We’d ordered some blinds for our bedroom which needed collecting from the TNT depot (which just might be the least user-friendly place on earth to collect a parcel from), so between crisis fighting from a distance with work things, trying to cram a ludicrously long package into the boot of my Honda Civic, and dashing to collect Seb from work, I was stressed out and on the edge of being late by the time we got to the hospital.
Plus, you need a full bladder for the ultrasound to work, and I had to pee just before we left the house – traitorous bladder. So I was chugging water in the car like a madwoman!
You know I’ve been struggling to feel the kind of connection I felt I should to this little thing growing inside me.
I have some really big news to share today.
Something that may explain my wanting to change and create a more ‘grown-up’ style for this blog…I’m expecting a baby in August!
Who doesn’t love a bit of Urban Decay?
Throughout my teen years they captured my attention with their grungy vibe and sparkly shadows, and since launching their Naked range I have loved them anew.
The eye shadows are a byword for quality, and their Naked Skin Weightless Ultra Definition base has become my holy grail.
So naturally when I wanted to treat myself to their new cream liner, I was expecting great things.
They used to do one called ‘Ink for Eyes’ that was one of the first (and best) cream liners I tried, but the new formulation has sadly fallen a little short for me.
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