If you want gorgeous skin, you need to put in a little bit of work. Most of us aren’t blessed with naturally gorgeous skin, so you need to set some time aside each day/week to perform maintenance and keep it looking its very best.
Here are the only tips you need:
Don’t Sleep in Your Makeup
Sleeping in your makeup is one of the biggest beauty sins out there, so please avoid doing this. Being drunk is not an excuse either: if you ever sleep in your makeup because you’re drunk, you need to cut down on your alcohol consumption. Put wipes next to your bed so you don’t forget. Ideally you’ll use the following steps too, but if all you can muster is a wipe then it’s better than nothing.
Double Cleanse
A double cleanse helps to clear your skin deep down. The first cleanse will clear the surface of your skin, while the second cleanse will clear your skin deep down. Find a wash that suits your skin type and you should improve your skin condition in no time. It’ll look glowing, like you’re wearing a dewy makeup product!
Home Facials
Home facials can be just as effective as salon facials. Simply gather your products that suits your skin, and use a facial oil to massage. Use upward sweeping motions. If you do this regularly, you should notice your skin smooth out.
Clean Pillowcases
Keeping your pillowcases clean is essential. Most people don’t realise that they can be full of bacteria and contribute largely to a spotty face. Swap them regularly for the best results.
Face Mask Once Per Week
Get into the habit of applying a face mask once per week to clear your skin, moisturise, and make it look brand new. It’s all well and good applying one when you remember to, but it won’t make a difference unless you get into a routine.
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Occasional Salon Treatments
Why not treat yourself to an occasional salon treatment? Make space in your calendar once a month and set some money aside for it. Your skin should be a priority, so cut back in other areas if you need to. You could go for the new thread lift treatment or a regular facial. Whatever you like!
Don’t Touch Your Face
Touching your face transfers all kinds of bacteria back to it. Unless you’ve just washed/sanitised your hands, avoid touching your face at all costs. Just because you can’t see anything on there, doesn’t mean there isn’t anything on there.
Products to Suit Your Skin Type
Every product you use should suit your skin type. Bear in mind it will change from season to season, so keep an eye on it and swap your products as you need to.
See a Doctor
If you still can’t improve your skin, it might be time to see a doctor. You may have an underlying problem and need medication.
Let me know how these tips have worked for you and leave any of your own below!
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