Now that I'm starting to get to know more people through blogging, and in the interests of ticking the 'L' category in FBL, I thought I'd start an occaisional series of posts showing a bit more about my life.
Disclaimer: I lead a very un-rock and roll existence. When I say I usually spend my Friday nights in the chilled goods aisle at the supermarket, I'm not exaggerating! But this is just a little peek at my week - a little work, some food and some products all mixed in!
Here's what happened this week in beauty and other affairs:
Follow the Giant Rabbit...
It was National Apprenticeship Week, and as part of the work I do involves promoting a service that helps business to access the fresh talent young people can bring, we were celebrating it. One of the things we had planned was a series of sculptures around the city. Each was done by the apprentices from a particular business working with an artist. There were some amazing submissions (and some were a bit nightmarish. Not joking. There was a giant perspex box filled with disembodied doll heads.) I was out supervising the photoshoots and reporters. This was my favourite of the sculptures, a giant blue rabbit! Wonder if I can take him home later?
Citizen Of Cool
On Friday night, I popped to a new local bistro and bar called 'Citizen's' for a drink after work. I loved the decor and thought the place was beautiful. It's a great example of regen in action, because it used to be a very run down and seedy looking pub and hotel. Now the downstairs has a been a Starbucks for a while, but the upstairs has recently re-opened as a trendy bar and restaurant. They had really gorgeous cava on offer, so I got stuck into some of that. The menu looked delicious, so I might have to go back soon!
Monday Mani
I went and got my nails 'did' (boy, they really needed it!) and chose this gorgeous colour by OPI. Its part of their Germany collection and its called 'Berlin There Done That'. It looks very lilac in this pic, perhaps because of the pink background, but in real life its a sort of dark taupe shade. Lots of people have commented on it and I really like it, so I think I might have to treat myself to a bottle.
5 Product Face
I decided to do the '5 Product Face' tag and challenged myself to do my make-up with just five products! This is inconceivable for me (if you've seen my 'Daily Go-To Face' post you'll understand why), so I loved the challenge of setting limits. Which five products did I choose for this look? You'll have to check back during the week to find out when I put the post up.
For the Love of Coffee
I posted this pic on Twitter for Chloe over at New Girl in Toon because she was saying how they take coffee verrrry seriously at their house. And so do we! My husband's family lived in Rome so he's all about good coffee and was practically raised on espresso. I've always been more of a tea person and I didn't actually drink coffee until the age of about 24, whereas now I can't get enough of it, and the stronger and darker the better! We have a shelf full of syrups and kilner jars with different types of beans that we blend up. We've even had Civet coffee several times (Google it but it might put you off your dinner!)
Cycle to Cannes
Also at work this week, we have a team leaving for the South of France. There's a massive annual property show there once a year, and although I've been working on the marketing, sadly I don't actually get to go! Those who are going are actually cycling there to raise money for children's charity Coram (rather them than me on that part - imagine the saddle sores), so all the bikes were brought into the office. I don't know an awful lot about cycling but these bikes were seriously high-tech, all carbon fibre bodies and blade-thin racing tyres. And some of them were actually worth more than my car!
Fishy Wishy
Trying to focus on eating a bit healthier, so we made Thai style fishcakes one night, with plenty of homegrown red chillies and coriander. They were delicious! Have you been watching the Hairy Bikers latest cookery series? They're exploring Asia and for the past few episodes, they've been in Thailand which has been seriously making me crave Thai food! We went to Thailand on our honeymoon and it couldn't have been a more amazing place. Everytime I eat the food now I'm reminded of how special the trip was.
Bags of Fun
This has definitely been my most used bag of the week! Now it's gotten a little sunnier, I've been using this white mini satchel a lot. It was actually a present from my husband's grandma last Easter. I love it! It's perfect for lazy weekends. It was from a little shop called 'Pods and Petals' in the town she lives in. Who knew nana's could be so on trend?
Spring Has Sprung
What a surprise on Sunday! The weather did a 360 from grey and miserable to 19 degrees. It was all sunshine and blossoms. It felt so good to throw all the windows open and air out the house. I was up super early and had finished my gym session by 10am. One of those days where you just feel full of beans and ready for anything. These beautiful cherry blossoms near my house were an entrancing sight.
Goodnight Skin
I shared on Twitter what's keeping my skin healthy at night. From left to right: Nip + Fad Overnight Wrinkle Fix to work on my fine lines, Garnier Micellar Water for removing every trace of make-up, Cocoa Therapy Rescue Oil for deep hydration, NSpa Hot Cloth Polish to make sure I'm squeaky clean and Nip + Fab Glycolic Fix Pads (every second day) to try and get my glow on!
Gilded Cage
I rediscovered these beautiful white birdcages in the attic. We used them to decorate at our wedding reception a couple of years ago, but I decided they'd make a rather nice decorative addition to the bedroom windowsills! And just look at that beautiful sunshine!
Latte Walks
The husband and I have a Sunday tradition of going on really long walks, even if its freezing, but especially if the sun's out! We refuel by making a pit stop at Cafe Nero for a latte to take out. This was the first time this year we haven't worn coats out. It was so mild!
I wore a very casual outfit of indigo skinnies, tan leather slippers with perforated cut-outs and my new drapey light knit from Zara. It has a white chiffon panel at the bottom and a really slouchy shape, and it was just made for days like this.
It was so bright, I even got to wear my sunglasses. These are a new purchase that I'll pop in my March clothes haul post, coming this week!
A Little Bit of Baking

So that's a little bit of my week. How was yours?
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