So this month's box sort of had a Lulu Guinness theme. I thought that was all very well, but a little odd. Only because Lulu doesn't have a cosmetics line, so I question the relevancy.
The packaging was all funky as you can see...and there was also a little 'Life Lessons' booklet inside. But this was not very interesting - all we learnt was that she likes red lipstick and she thinks you should spend more time with your family.
This is what was in the box! I get my box fairly late compared to some people I follow on Twitter, so I already knew that this month's box contained a Benefit product. I got super-excited because I thought it might be a sample of Gimme Brow, which I really want. But no! It was a little bit of a tease really because they advertise in the bumpf in the box and there's an 'exclusive invite' to go down to the counter and try it (which everyone knows you could do anyway) - but no sample! Bit of a fail if you ask me.
Here's what was inside:
Korres Citrus Body Milk
The first and only 'big' size item was the Korres Cirus Body Milk. I haven't tried anything from Korres before, but I know people rave about them. I'm not a massive fan of citrus scents normally, but this is quite soft and not too 'Lemon bathroom cleaner'. Used it after my shower and my skin felt really soft, but the consistency is very liquid and I noticed it didn't absorb as fast as my beloved Garnier 7 Day Intense. I can totally see why people like Korres, but although I enjoyed using this, it still couldn't replace my Garnier!
Then came the Benefit item.....massive disappointment! It's a very small sample of their Stay Don't Stray primer. Admittedly, I would like to try this, but I could get this exact same thing from any Benefit counter for free if I strolled up and asked.
Benefit Stay Don't Stray
In fact, I have several identical size samples of the Hello Flawless sitting in my drawer that the assistant gave me and I didn't even purchase a product. So....this is a little bit lame. Having said that, I've heard good reviews about this and I am looking forward to using it.
English Laundry No 7
Next up, another little bit of a disappointment....its the dreaded fragrance sample. I agree with other bloggers who complain that putting these into subscription boxes is just a bit miserly. Again, last time I shopped in Debenhams beauty hall, they loaded the bag with these samples for free. It feels a bit mean to count it as a proper sample and get charged for it, especially in the same box as the tiny Benefit sample.
English Laundry is not a brand I've come across before, so I wasn't sure about this. At first spray, I thought it smelt like a man's cologne, sort of green and cool and fresh (its actually pear, jasmine and gardenia). But when it develops, it has a much richer, honeycomb and vanilla scent to it, still with a hint of fougere.
I actually did like this once I'd worn it a bit and my husband really liked it. Its sort of sweet but without being sickly. I would actually consider purchasing this, it's normally £47 which is on the pricier side but I do like that it doesn't smell like everything else out there.
Dr Brandt Pores No More
Then, we have a small tube of Dr Brandt 'Pores No More' pore refiner. My pores really aren't a problem so its doubtful how useful this would actually be for me, but it also absorbs oil which can be an issue for me in warmer weather. It comes out as a flesh coloured cream, and I have to say when I swatched it, my skin looked sensational. It melts in very lightly and just makes your skin look extremely refined. It doesn't specifically say it acts as a primer, but I can imagine it would work well as one. I did like this, but without pores being a huge problem for me, and at £39 for the full size, I can't imagine I'd buy this.Molton Brown Rhubarb & Rose Replenishing Hand Cream
Next up, something that cheered me up. It's a Molton Brown handcream in Rhubarb and Rose. Anyone who has ever been in my bathroom can testify that I have a massive Molton Brown addiction. So I have used their handcream before, but I hadn't come across this variant.
It's very silky and glycerin-rich, and deeply moisturising. The scent is delicious, really light and fresh, which I wasn't expecting from something with rose in. I like this a lot and the full size is £10, I would considering buying this when my current hand lotion is used up.
Lifestyle Extra
And the 'bonus' item was a stick of rock. This inspired Lulu Guinness' collection, which is the tenuous reason that its inside. Its very nice and all, but I think I would have preferred something else...maybe a lipbalm in a Lulu-designed tin? Not sure, just something a bit more beauty-centric.

I just started glossybox on a recommendation from someone else on twitter but I have seen some people get some great things in these boxes before too xx